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Nov 18, 2014

SOIL organized an Annual Retreat to Sidhbari for its Students & Faculty

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SOIL organized an Annual Retreat to Sidhbari for its Students & Faculty
New Delhi : School of Inspired Leadership (SOIL) offered a week long Annual retreat to its students and faculty members. The aim of the Sidhbari annual retreat was to provide space and time to the students and faculty to reflect and commit to a long term plan for their journey and to become value-driven leaders. The unique opportunity to engage with the locals at the Chinamaya Ashram in Sidhbari, Himalayas facilitated the learning amongst students.

SOIL is a new paradigm in management education that aims at providing holistic education that builds inspired leaders who believe in Knowing, doing and being. To help young minds recognize their purpose and realize their full potential, the school arranges an annual trip to Sidhbari in the Himalayas where the students spend a week in the Chinmaya Ashram.

The retreat began on Saturday, November 8 when the students along with SOIL’s faculty left for Sidhbari. On day two and three, after being comfortably adjusted in the accommodation of Chinamay Ashram, the students learnt the finer nuances of “Appreciative Inquiry” by Mr. Anil Sachdev, Founder SOIL. The fourth day engrossed students to work with the team of CORD(Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development), where they interacted with the villagers and adhered to their social & functional issues. As the day closed down, the Staff convened upon an Annual Learning Conference to reflect on accomplishments of the year gone by and plan ahead for the future. Novemeber 12th saw a presentation on findings & learnings from CORD by students which was reviewed by SOIL’s faculty and Mr. Anil Sachedv. The last two days were a workshop for the students on the importance of team work & leadership by the faculty of SOIL.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Anil Sachdev, Founder & CEO SOIL said, “Sidhbari is an experience for students to grow and learn to have a sense of gratitude towards humanity. Our students come to Sidhbari every year, here I teach them a course that helps them to understand their inner potential. The whole experience of Sidhbari transforms the students into a better human being. Here they interview villagers and later enact their learnings through dance, drama, poetry & literature. The experience of Sidhbari stays in the students lives as a high point of the learning experience in SOIL. SOIL's whole purpose is to build leaders with deep inspiration, strong character and competence to take responsibility for their problems."


CORD- Sidhbari has touched the lives of over 55,000 beneficiaries directly, and over 2,75,000, indirectly, in over 500 villages of District Kangra, through its comprehensive integrated rural development programme. The thrust of the programme is working with village women through several village-level structures.

SOIL, School of Inspired Leadership
SOIL is a business school that provides holistic education that builds inspired leaders by facilitating their understanding on who they are, recognize their purpose and realize their full potential and to build organizations of consequence.

To accomplish this SOIL-

Nurtures Character through the practice of its values through rituals and symbols (Like Morning Circle, Himalayan Retreats, Appreciative Inquiry, working on Social Innovation, Yoga, Simulation through theatre etc.)

SOIL Builds Competence by focusing on whole systems thinking; designing and delivering a future ready curriculum;leveraging teaching methods and spaces that deploy multiple intelligences ; providing opportunity for one to one mentoring by seasoned leaders and internship projects

SOIL believes in Generating Enthusiasm by providing the environment and facilitation to enable students to define their purpose, identify their gifts and learn to leverage their strengths towards their calling.


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