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Feb 17, 2013

Best Tips for College Students to Choose Career

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Choosing the right career is very important decision in life. Sparing considerable amount of time for self introspection and to make the right choice is a very justified thing. A right decision in this direction will help you to choose a satisfying career and the kind of work you will enjoy doing a life time.

Following are ten tips that will help you to choose the right career.

  1. Know Your Talent or Hobby: You have talent or a hobby that you love doing and are good at. Then think of the careers associated with your skills, talents or hobbies. It has been proved again and again that people excel and achieve mastery in the kind of work they love doing. So, try turning your talent, skill or hobby into a career.
  2.  Know Your Work-style: You need to know if independent work career is good for you or supervisory and structured work environment is good for you. If you are self driven and self motivated independent work career is good for you or else if you need someone to guide you, motivate and to supervise then formal and structured work environment is good for you.
  3. Calculate and Move Ahead: According to the statistics of National Centre for Education, the cost of an undergraduate college education increased from 25 to 37 percent, between 2000 and 2010. So, asses the costs and think is it worth spending that much of money and your valuable time and then proceed. 
  4. Your Career = Your Financial Goals: If you want to go to a nearby place you can go in a bike, if you choose to travel more you need a train, you want to cross countries, you need a ship or a plane. In life also you should choose a career which can fulfill your financial goals. So, first asses how much income do you need to survive and to take care of family and then choose a career that will enable you to meet your financial goals. 
  5. Asses Your Social Life: If you are a person who loves mingling with new people and like to maintain relationships then sale and marketing or public relations are good for you. If you like working alone, and like minimum public contacts then you should map your own independent career path. 
  6. Talk and Walk the career: After choosing a career, talk with the people who already have experience in the same path and know the positives and negatives, if possible gain on the job experience. This will give you a practical experience of the real life situations.
Take your time and exhibit patience when choosing a career and make a right choice. Once you make a choice set some career goals and follow a plan to achieve those goals. Always keep one thing in mind, it takes time to build a career, your first job may not be your dream job or position. But, give it time and do your part, be consistent in your work and efforts and one day you will reach the top of the career ladder.


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