Web Analytics Business News This Week A Farewell to Remember at ITM University | Business News This Week

May 15, 2014

A Farewell to Remember at ITM University

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ITM University
It was an emotional moment at ITM University as students and faculty members bid farewell to the outgoing batch of Engineering and Management recently.

There were mixed emotions among the final year students as they found themselves amidst the future calling and the pain to leave their alma mater. They, however, made the best of the last few hours at the University and were seen in high spirits, clicking pictures of every nook and cranny of the campus, faculty and juniors.

The juniors did everything possible to make it a memorable experience for their seniors. A cultural show was organized by the juniors and food stalls were erected to make their juniors feel special. They later thanked the seniors for their guidance over the years and wished them all the success for future.

“It is the time when we have to say goodbye to students who have been with us for four years. As my heart aches to bid them adieu, there is a hope too that the students will create a niche for themselves and bring a good name to the University. I extend my best wishes to the outgoing students for their future endeavour, hoping they will excel in whatever domain they have chosen,” said Prof Prem Vrat, Vice Chancellor, ITM University.

The juniors also gave their seniors titles as they were presented with a memento in the form a memorabilia.

For more information: Teamwork Communications , Rishi Sinha/Abhishek pandey/Rahul Dhall , 9911872345/9999858558/9811167418

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